21 research outputs found

    Peran Sikap Keuangan Dalam Mengintervensi Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Terhadap Perilaku Manajemen Keuangan Pekerja Di Cikarang

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    Perilaku manajemen keuangan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya literasi dan sikap keuangan, sementara literasi keuangan sendiri menjadi faktor penentu sikap keuangan seseorang. Pekerja di Cikarang sebagian besar merupakan pekerja muda berpenghasilan cukup. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel atas 126 tanggapan responden yang terdiri dari 32 pria dan 94 wanita pekerja di Cikarang. Data diolah dengan uji statistik regresi jalur menggunakan SPSS dengan add on Process v3.4 dari Andrew F. Hayes.            Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sikap keuangan tidak hanya berpengaruh langsung terhadap perilaku manajemen keuangan pekerja, namun juga memiliki peran dalam memediasi pengaruh literasi keuangan terhadap perilaku manajemen keuangan pekerja di Cikarang


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    Abstrak  Jawa Timur merupakan daerah dengan intensitas penyalahgunaan narkoba yang besar dengan kondisi gawat darurat narkoba, oleh karenanya peran Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Jawa Timur selaku institusi hukum khusus masalah narkoba harusnya intens dalam memberantas terhadap tindak pidana narkoba mengingat jumlah penyalahgunaan narkoba di wilayah Jawa Timur sebanyak 608.520. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Jawa Timur dalam memberantas penyalahgunaan narkoba dan upaya Badan Narkotika Nasional Provinsi (BNNP) Jawa Timur dalam memberantas penyalagunaan narkoba. Artikel ini merupakan penelitian yuridis sosiologis dengan teknik analisis desktriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi, sedangkan informannya mengambil kepala Bidang Pemberantasan Narkoba dan dua pelaku penyalahgunaan narkoba. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hambatan pemberantasan narkoba ialah kurangnya sinergi antar lembaga hukum yakni Kepolisian dan Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dan  upaya yang dilakukan secara represif melalui regulasi Inpres yakni program Pencegahan, Pemberantasan, Penyalahgunaan, dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba (P4GN) sudah berjalan dengan baik namun terkendala pada beberapa daerah yang belum terbentuk satuan pelaksana sehingga pemberantasan penyalahgunaan belum berjalan efesien, upaya preventif dilakukan melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai kader narkoba masih berjalan dengan baik. Kata Kunci : narkoba, penegakan hukum, penyalahgunaan narkoba    Abstract East Java is the area with the intensity of the abuse of drug great with emergency conditions drug, therefor the role of BNNP East Java as a legal institution specifically drug problem should be intense in the combat against narcotic crime considering the amount of drug abuse in East Java as much as 608 520. The purpose of writing this research to the obstacles encountered BNNP JATIM in combating abuse of narcotics and BNNP JATIM efforts in combating drug misuse. This article is a sociological juridical research with qualitative analysis techniques desktriptif. Data were obtained through interview and documentation, while the informant took the head of the Field Combating Drugs East Java and the two perpetrators of drug abuse. The results showed that 1) barriers to drug eradication is the lack of synergy between the judiciary and 2) the efforts made by the repressive regulations on Inpres the program P4GN already well underway but is constrained in some areas that have not been established implementation units so as to eradicate the abuse is not running efficiently, preventive efforts through community empowerment as a volunteer drug goes well.The purpose of writing this research to answer The obstacles encountered BNNP JATIM in combating abuse of narcotics. and To know BNNP JATIM efforts in combating abuse of narcotics. The method used is the juridical sociology while data analysis techniques such as qualitative desktriptif.The results showed that the drug agains obstacle is the lack of synergy between the judiciary and the efforts made by Instruction has been running well, preventive efforts through community empowerment cadres drugs. Keyword : narcotic, law enforment, drugs abus

    School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) Accounting Information System as an Internal Control Tool

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    This study examines the accounting information system as an internal control tool over cash deposits and disbursements on the School Operational Assistance Fund or in Indonesian called Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). To enforce accountability and transparency in the use of the BOS Fund, which is one of the important sources of funds for education in Indonesia, it is very important to implement a strict monitoring mechanism. This research approach uses qualitative and descriptive research methods, which combine primary data collection, document analysis, interviews with stakeholders, and direct observation of the accounting information system that regulates the process of receiving and spending BOS funds. The framework includes elements of planning, in this case including the initial stage of making the RKAS, then implementation by carrying out the RKAS by procedures and paying attention to internal controls. Furthermore, the reporting stage leads to the realization of the RKAS, where all stages use an integrated information system. Based on the research results, SMK Darurrohman already has a computerized information system that is available to the public. This system is designed to receive and distribute BOS funds by the guidelines outlined in the BOS guidebook and adequate and accurate control mechanisms. Accounting information systems play a key role in supporting the implementation and maintenance of effective internal controls in an organization. Suggestions for the sustainability of BOS fund management for SMK Darurrohman Sukawangi include utilizing BOS to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of education, emphasizing routine, and implementing job rotation.This study examines the accounting information system as an internal control tool over cash deposits and disbursements on the School Operational Assistance Fund or in Indonesian called Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). To enforce accountability and transparency in the use of the BOS Fund, which is one of the important sources of funds for education in Indonesia, it is very important to implement a strict monitoring mechanism. This research approach uses qualitative and descriptive research methods, which combine primary data collection, document analysis, interviews with stakeholders, and direct observation of the accounting information system that regulates the process of receiving and spending BOS funds. The framework includes elements of planning, in this case including the initial stage of making the RKAS, then implementation by carrying out the RKAS by procedures and paying attention to internal controls. Furthermore, the reporting stage leads to the realization of the RKAS, where all stages use an integrated information system. Based on the research results, SMK Darurrohman already has a computerized information system that is available to the public. This system is designed to receive and distribute BOS funds by the guidelines outlined in the BOS guidebook and adequate and accurate control mechanisms. Accounting information systems play a key role in supporting the implementation and maintenance of effective internal controls in an organization. Suggestions for the sustainability of BOS fund management for SMK Darurrohman Sukawangi include utilizing BOS to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of education, emphasizing routine, and implementing job rotation


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    Karya berjudul “Finding” dalam bahasa Indonesia yang berarti “menemukan”. Judul ini dimaksudkan untuk menceritakan kisah seorang pemuda yang mempunyai masa lalu kelam, atas apa yang dideritanya ia memutuskan untuk mencari Tuhannya agar mendapatkan kedamaian yang selama itu belum pernah ia rasakan. Karya musik “Finding” merupakan komposisi yang memiliki format orkestra dalam penyusunannya, karya ini memiliki bentuk musik 3 bagian yaitu bagian A,B dan C. Bagian A memiliki kalimat a, a’, a1, a2, a1’, dan a2’. Bagian B memiliki kalimat b, b’, b2, b2’, b3 introdusi, b3, b3’. Bagian C memiliki kalimat c introduksi, c, c1, c1’, c2, c2’. Awal mula tempo yang dimainkan yaitu tempo Moderato yang dimana tempo ini cepat, kemudian berpindah ke tempo yaitu Adagio kemudian pindah ke tempo Grave yang dimana hampir sama dengan Adagio namun sedikit cepat kemudian kembali ke Moderato. Dan yang terakir menggunakan tempo Adagio kembali. Dalam komposisi ini memiliki 160 birama yang dimana berdurasi kurang lebih 08.15 menit. Jika ditinjau dari segi fokus masalah penulisan, karya ini berfokus pada tinjauan harmoni dalam progres akhor. Karya musik “Finding” menggunakan beberapa hamoni dalam progres akhor di dalamnya yaitu, harmoni tiga suara, harmoni 4 suara, harmoni 5 suara dan harmoni 8 suara dalam progres akhor. Penulis akan menjabarkan masing masing harmoni dalam progres akhor tersebut yang terdapat di setiap bagian bagian karya musik ”Finding”.Proses penciptaan karya musik ini menggunakan beberapa metode yang sudah dipelajari oleh komposer yaitu harmoni dalam progres akhor. Melalui banyak inspirasi yang diperoleh dari mendengarkan berbagai jenis musik rohani kristen, musik ilustrasi orkestra yang bertemakan kedamaian.Kata Kunci: Harmoni, progres akhor, Findin

    Pengembangan Fitur pada Aplikasi Sisfoloker PT. IntelliSys dengan Framework Codeigniter

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    Salah satu kegiatan yang ada pada suatu perusahaan adalah pengerahan tenaga kerja baru. Untuk melakukan proses pengerahan tenaga kerja baru dibutuhkan suatu media untuk mempromosikan lowongan suatu pekerjaan atau suatu jabatan kepada publik. Oleh sebab itu, PT. IntelliSys mengembangkan sistem peranti lunak dalam bentuk web untuk melakukan proses pengerahan tenaga kerja baru secara daring yakni pengembangan web situs lowongan kerja yang bernama Sisfoloker. Laporan Kerja Magang ini merupakan pengembangan fitur pada aplikasi Sisfoloker yang telah dibangun oleh tim IT PT. IntelliSys. Aplikasi Sisfoloker berbasis web dibangun menggunakan framework Codeigniter beserta library tambahan external maupun internal. Proses pengembangan dilakukan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan Javascript beserta bahasa markah HTML dan CSS. Metode penyimpanan yang dilakukan menggunakan database server phpMyAdmin. Dalam periode kerja magang ini, pengerjaan hanya dilakukan meliputi pengembangan beberapa fitur saja, antara lain yaitu perpindahan metode pengiriman email, mengembangkan fitur search dan filter, mengembangkan fitur login menggunakan Google Account, mengembangkan fitur reschedule, serta membuat mockup Online Store

    Implementasi Algoritma Latent Dirichlet Allocation untuk Topic Modeling Terhadap Data Twitter Terkait Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pada tahun 2019, penemuan virus penyakit baru mengejutkan masyarakat dunia, yang tidak lama kemudian penyebaran virus penyakit ini berkembang menjadi pandemi. Pandemi ini disebabkan oleh virus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) atau yang dikenal sebagai virus Corona. Penyakit yang ditimbulkan akibat virus ini disebut Coronavirus Disease 2019 atau yang lebih dikenal dengan COVID-19. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terdampak pandemi ini dan berjuang untuk menghadapi pandemi virus COVID-19. Untuk menekan penyebaran virus ini, telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia berbagai cara, salah satunya adalah dengan memperjuangkan vaksinasi yang sudah mulai dilakukan pemerintah. Namun vaksinasi juga menimbulkan tanggapan positif maupun negatif bagi masyarakat Indonesia serta menimbulkan berbagai macam isu atau kontroversi maupun teori konspirasi yang beredar pada sosial media, dan salah satunya melalui Twitter. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perancangan sistem untuk melakukan topic modeling dengan metode Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) dilakukan untuk melihat ragam topik yang beredar pada masyarakat melalui kicauan atau tweet pada sosial media Twitter. Set data pada penelitian ini berupa tweet dari sosial media Twitter. Pengumpulan set data dilakukan mulai tanggal 20 Maret 2021 sampai dengan 29 Maret 2021 dengan kata kunci "#Covid-19" berbahasa Indonesia dan berlokasi Indonesia. Percobaan yang dilakukan dengan skenario perbandingan set data sebelum dilakukan penyaringan dan set data setelah dilakukan penyaringan beserta uji coba perbandingan hyperparameter alpha dengan hyperparameter jumlah topik. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan implementasi metode LDA untuk melakukan topic modeling pada tweet dari sosial media Twitter berhasil dikembangkan. Dari hasil uji coba didapatkan performa metode LDA untuk melakukan topic modeling pada set data sebelum dilakukan penyaringan memiliki nilai coherence score terbaik yaitu 0.5232 dan untuk set data setelah dilakukan penyaringan memiliki nilai coherence score terbaik yaitu 0.4484

    Interpretasi Bawah Permukaan Gunung Merapi dengan Analisa Gradient dan Pemodelan 2d Data Gayaberat

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    Gravity method research has been done in Merapi Volcano area. The data has been measured by BPPTKG Yogyakarta team with the number of point as much as 164 points. The aim of this research are to identify the subsurface structure and locate the position of Merapi Volcano magma chamber, so that a gradient analysis and 2D modelling based on Bouguer anomaly has been done. Gradient analysis apply first horizontal and second vertical gradient that is used to know the location and the type of structure on the research area. The result from this research show Bouguer anomaly with range value around -8.79 mGal to 305.46 mGal. The 2D modelling show Merapi volcano subsurface model that consist of 5 layers with the position of magma chamber is located in the third layer about 3300 m below the Merapi summit or 700 m below the mean sea level. Based on gradient analysis, there is a normal dipfault structure. This faults is indicated to be formed a basin on the Merapi summit toward westward leading directly to the Patuk Alap Alap Mountain and Kali Krasak

    Determinants of Labor Market in Jakarta Metropolitan Area: a Survival Analysis of Commuters

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    This study aims to assess the determinants of the labor market in the Greater Jakarta Area (Jabodetabek) with a population of 27.9 million (2010 census) and growth rate of 3.6 percent per annum over the period 2000-2010. With a total area of 4,384 square kilometers (1,693 sq mi), the city has a very high population density of 14,464 people per square kilometer (37,460/ sq mi), while the metro area has a density of 4,383 people/sq km (11,353/sq mi). The paper employs the survival regression analysis by incorporating attributes of commuter, namely gender, age, distance, travel time, wages, stress, education level, double income households and home ownership. The area consists of Jakarta as the receiving labor market and eight municipalities and regencies as labor suppliers. The study utilizes a cross-section data from a commuter survey with more than 4,000 respondents participated using different modes of land transport. The results reveal that some determinants have influenced commuters' resiliency and their willingness to participate in the receiving labor market. This study found that gender, distance, wages and home ownership do not affect the respondent’s decision whether to stay or quit as commuters. On the other hand, the fittest model exhibits that age, education level, stress, travel time and double income households have significant effects on individual's decision to stay or quit as a commuter. It is found that gender, distance, wages and home ownership do not matter for respondent’s decision on whether to stay or to quit as commuters. The model exhibits that age, education level, stress, travel time and double-income household have significant effects on an individual's decision to stay or quit as a commuter. Education level has a positive effect; on the other hand, age, stress, double-income household and travel time have a negative effect. The policy implications for improving the labor supply provision and some contested policy options are suggested, such as the provision of affordable housing in Jakarta, the improvement of commuting enjoyment, the establishment of child care facilities in the office buildings and the creation of more sophisticated jobs within the Jakarta’s surrounding municipalities and regencies


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    Banking company is one of industries which play a role in the Stock Exchange. There are two basic approaches to predict the stock price, fundamental analysis and technical analysis. These analyses are used to know influence the banking performance to stock price. RBBR method is used by Bank Indonesia as a standard to appraise the rating of the bank health. The problem of this research is how does RBBR component, i.e. Beta, GCG, CAR and NIM influence the stock price of go public banking companies in the Indoensia Stock Exchange (IDX), partially and simultaneously. The objectives of this research are knowing and analyzing the influence of RBBR component, in this case using Beta, GCG, CAR and NIM to the stock price of go public banking companies in Indoensia Stock Exchange (IDX). The population in this research is the go public banking sector in the Indoensia Stock Exchange (IDX) for years 2008 until 2011, there are 31 banks. The sample is defined by purposive sampling technique to get a representative sample appropriate with the criteria defined. There are 15 go public banking companies selected as sample for this research. This research have the independen variable comprises Beta, GCG, CAR and NIM and for the dependent variable is the stock price of go public banking companies in the IDX. This research was analyzed using multiple regressions. This research found the empirical results that partially, NIM and Beta influences positively significant to the stock price exchange of go public banking companies in the in Indoensia Stock Exchange. While the result of partial test for GCG showed that partially influence negative significantly to the stock price. And the result of partial test for CAR showed that partially influence negative no significantly to the stock price. The result for the simultaneous test showed that there is influence between Beta, GCG, CAR and NIM to the stock price exchange of go public banking companies in the in Indoensia Stock Exchange. The influence ratio RBBR to the stock price is 0,54 or 54%. The other 46% influenced by another factor outside the research or the regression model